Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Trinty Plaza

Trinity Plaza is falling apart and its a shame. In a hollow unlike any other in the United States, there are three Holy Trinity churches. One is Lutheran, one is Catholic, and one is Russian Orthodox. A deeply forgotten area of Yonkers, it needs help. There are few worshippers at these churches, but it is probably the most important acre in the city of Yonkers' history. Many of the Russian and Slovak immigrants who were the backbone of Yonkers' industry in the early 20th Century called Trinity Plaza home. Most of the pictures are of the national Slovak Roman Catholic church in the plaza, Most Holy Trinity. We were able to get into the church just by chance: there was a funeral about to occur so the doors were open. Unfortunately, there is definitely a chance that Holy Trinity might close or lose its parish status as the Archdiocese of New York tries to consolidate, though there is a chance that it could survive especially since the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, a rather new religious order, has many of its priories within a block of the church. If anything, it needs our prayers..

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